Friday, April 21, 2006

Day 55 - Mishmash

A pastor from a large church in Wellington spoke to us today about a 'mishmash' of things. What I mean by mishmash was that there wasn't a clear mainpoint and I so I just wrote down bits and pieces of what he had to say. He also had three 'Timothys' with him who also spoke. Overall there were things that I will take home with me. Here is a sample:

* Maintain your own spiritual life and don't just live on what people spoon feed you.

* He talked about Isaiah 62:10 as his life verse. He sees this concept in that verse... when you enter a city for ministry you need to go through the city gates (city authorities) and then you try to pave a way for people to connect with God and that involves removing the stones (unbelief, religion, etc) and finally you raise a banner refers to creating a rallying point.

* One of the Timothy guys spoke on his prayer ministry. They go around the city and whenever they hear about a problem they go to its location and pray around it and over it. For instance, they said that Wellington had problems with people committing suicide by jumping off of buildings. So they went to each building where suicides have happened and prayed over it. Since they done this for a long time there has not been a suicide like this in a long time. I remember when Open Door did this with Sanctuary when there was a murder in North Minneapolis - reclaiming that spot for God. What if we prayed over the schools in Eagan, Apple Valley, Rosemount, etc? Or continually prayed over our own church?

* How do you reach a city? One "people group" at a time.

Then we had a 'guys meeting' after the lecture and discussed the issue of integrity that was brough up by yesterday's speaker. David was there and he made an interesting point. If you are a volunteer in a ministry - meaning you are unpaid - integrity says that you handle that job the same way you handle your paid job. Because you volunteer that doesn't mean this is a job you can slack in. You are working for the Lord! How can anyone be slack about Jesus' ministry? Umph. Integrity is tough!

Finally I went to coffee with 3 other guys including Jake who is staying with us. He taught us all about his business back home and how he supports Steiger. Very, very wise and godly man! I will remember that meeting.


Blogger Jeremy Berg said...

Are the 3 Timothys related to the 3 sets of Jones'?

You are learning SO MUCH. I'm pumped for you.

7:55 AM  

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