Sunday, October 23, 2005

Look up Go up

"I was in Minneapolis!!" That's what this guy told me on Thursday night as David and I engaged in a conversation with him. It was a great conversation because this guy was explaining his Brazilian perception of Minnesota winters - not very positive. What a small world to find someone in Brazil who as been to Minneapolis... not so coincidental however... more divine appointment like because that same guy came to our show last night and in flowing tears gave his life to Jesus. Little did I know that God was using our fun and casual conversation to plant seeds to soften any hardness in his heart.

It was so fun, so exciting, so JOYFUL to see God use our Thursday night show to prepare his heart for Friday night's show... and David speaking tonight at a church so this guy will have more reinforcement at this infancy stage of his faith.

So many people were there last night and the crowd was GREAT! They were jumping around and cheering and silent during the intense scenes. Afterwards David walked into the middle of the crowd and explained the gospel of Jesus and asked people to respond. How amazing it was to hear the resounding Portuguese voices of Brazilians receive Christ! It seemed to be a culmination of all God has been doing in Curitiba with No Longer Music since we people were there from our shows last week. He is faithful!

I have been reading NT Wrights commentary on Romans and learning about how Abraham's trust in God's covenantal promise was fulfilled multiple centuries later in Jesus - that his family would cover all nations. Abraham didn't know it would happen this way, but he trusted that God, by His power, would do it. Therefore, I have been challenged to trust Jesus when things don't go the way I expect them to. He WILL come through, He IS trustworthy and He means what he says when he wants to 'set the world to rights' (make the world right in NT Wright language).

I hope that made sense. If anything I hope you can see the joy of the Lord that I am experiencing here in Brazil. I miss my family, friends and church at home and I am anxious to talk with you in more detail. Thank you for your prayers!!

One more amazing story. Four years ago, Cheago (spelling?) was on his way to see a prostitute when some stranger stopped him and said, "Jesus loves you". It stopped him in his tracks and he was feeling bad about his decision to go see a prostitute. Then he walked another direction and came upon No Longer Music's show where he was exposed to the gospel. After the show he went home and tried to sleep. But for days after he felt this 'warm pressure' on him and he could not get Jesus out of his mind. So he sought out the band, found David and fell at his feet in tears asking 'What is happening to me'? David was able to explain Jesus to him and last Saturday night (four years later) I was able to meet him. He is a disciple of Jesus and involved in a local church here! Cool eh? Okay, have a good day!

Oh! And another story, and I hope to have the video online soon, last night my cue came up to emerge as Virgin Man in the show. The place was packed and I thought what a great opportunity to crowd surf. So I stood on the stage and waved people close and began to lean into them. Then when I thought they were ready to catch me I jumped a bit... falling straight to the ground. EVERYONE MOVED! It didn't hurt, thankfully, but it was very funny! So after my humiliating fall I just got up and jumped around in the crowd. The role of Virgin Man has a heavy burden that I must carry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you can bring Virgin Man home with you!
Praying for you....DonaldDoo®

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter - it will take a long time for me to get that picture (you in costume doing the belly flop of stage)out of my head. I guess I forgot how really dangerous your job is. I keep praying - you keep serving. Deb

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,
I must say that in the midst of the great testimony and enjoying hearing what God is doing, that reading your last paragraph I was rolling...LOL!

Glad you're OK...the role of Virgin Man is a tough one...obviously should not be handled by the unprofessional. Glad you are are seasoned one, professional, that is.

Keep up the great ministry! Love you guys!

Linda and Neal

3:05 AM  

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