Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 63 - You have a tail!

Alright, you ready for some Pierce? David spoke today on Values in Steiger... here are some juicy excerpts and quotes:

* John 14:12-14 "Ask anything in my name and I'll do it" 'But he won't do it if its all about me' - David

* "Any ministry that has the power of God in it has a leader who is DESPERATE for God, and a team who is DESPERATE for God too."

* "The key to EVERYTHING is to SEEK GOD DESPERATELY. (Heb 11:6) It's the realization that if God takes His hand off of me... I'm dead."

* "'Ok God, I'll do it, but if you take your hand off of me, it won't work' That's the position that God wants you in. Then, expect big things to happen."

* "Lord, you see all my struggles, I'm sorry for all my struggles, but for the sake of all these people - please use me - so they can know you."

* "My missionary training school experience wasn't the highlight of my life. You need to pray that this will be just a starting point for seeing God's glory and His power in your life."

* Regarding John 17:20-23 - 'One of the ways that the world will know that God sent Jesus will be our unity. We must be loyal to each other.'

* David confessed he likes to mock... it comes on like a strong urge sometimes... and he is working on controlling that. 'If you feel the urge to mock, mock thyself.' :)

* The Tail Principle - if 1 person tells you that you have a tail, you can probably reject the observation... if 10 people tell you that you have a tail, you probably have a tail.

* "Don't be one of those lame missionaries that doesn't read the Bible. Also, it's ok to get a job (sarcastic tone). Don't be someone who says, 'I'm not working because I am going to be a missionary.' Being a missionary is not a way to avoid work."

* Create new categories! "If someone says 'I cut hair' say 'You do? We have a ministry for that!' Then create a hair cutting ministry. If someone says 'I do graffiti' say 'You do? We have a ministry for that!' Create a graffiti mininstry."

* Don't get stuck on trends! If your ministry is based on a trend - once the trend ends so does your ministry. Fight being labeled! 'One time we had a short lived but very, very successful ministry. One of the leaders got so excited he tattooed the name of the ministry to his arm. Now the ministry is over with because the trend passed. Don't get so sucked in like that!"

* 'Don't drink! You want authority? Then don't drink! It's not a sin to drink but because of the harm done to so many worldwide, DON'T! This isn't about legalism. Being in public ministry means that you will have to give up some of your rights and I say give up drinking.'


Tonight we had an International Team meeting at David and Jodi's house where we discussed the future of Steiger. We broke up into groups according to different aspects of Steiger and began working through details. Aaron and I worked on the vision for No Longer Music and evangelistic bands in the future. It was great! We are presenting our thoughts to David in the morning.

In reference to my last blog, we got approved for the venue for SPIT FEST (see below). Also, that gay man who was going to help us with the evangelism event this weekend bowed out because he was reading David's book 'Rock Priest' and was offended by a section. It was a very minor thing but he took great offense and bowed out. David is going to call him and try and reconcile with him. Please pray for that!

Finally, Joy and I went to this local rehab center and had dinner with the leaders of it. We are praying about an opportunity they have for us. Please pray with us about this opportunity, we have been and will be tomorrow!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool thoughts! I like that. Many are applicable to everyone, not just missionaries.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Jeremy Berg said...

I always thought it would be great to start a taxi ministry. Become a taxi driver, once they're in the car and have paid, drive them straight to church and drop them off. Well, maybe not...

9:38 AM  

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