Day 70 - Title

David continued teaching us today on Steiger values. Today was very good.
Here are a couple points in the form of my famous bullet summaries:
* Getting along with people is not always the best option. The gospel is offensive and confrontational. David expanded this point to his views on ministries that simply feed the poor and take care of the homeless. David says this ministry is absolutely necessary and God is pleased with it but he is concerned that many of these ministries forsake preaching the gospel. He contends that to really help people we need to tell them the good news and not just feed and clothe them. This lead to a good discussion later in the day.
* If something doesn't work, stop doing it.
* Give your ideas away. God will bless you with more ideas if you don't hold so tightly to your ideas and do things like charge for your ideas.
* Below is a characteristic comparison list... the left is alive, right is dead
An alive ministry | A dead ministry
Goes against the establishment | Very popular, widely accepted
Very messy and hard to hold back | Very structured and predictable
Sets trends | Always searching for the latest trend
Simple, childlike | Complicated
Sacrificaial | Materialistic
Doesn't care about image | Image conscious
Over their head | Manageable
Evangelistic | Inclusive and inward focused
* Missions is not a place to express yourself, its seeking God for what he wants you to do.
Then after lecture we had a meeting at David and Jodi's regarding the international stuff. Aaron and I have been working hard at helping organize all the amazing vision that we've been talking about the past 2 months. We are using some business planning skills that Jake showed us while we were here. This is a very, very exciting time for Steiger! I am excited to begin talking about it back home.
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