8 Days

I got an e-mail today from United Airlines that our flight from LA to MSP was changed to leave an hour earlier. Not good!
You see, I reserved tickets from MSP to LA and LA to New Zealand separately. On the flight back we were arrive in LA at 2:40PM and leave at 4:45PM and since I ordered the tickets separately we need to claim our baggage go through customs, go to United's ticket desk, check our bags again, get our boarding passes and go through security again. Between 2:40 and 4:45 we should be able to accomplish all that. BUT, they changed our flight to MSP to leave at 3:30. wah-wah-wah... (the sad trumpet sound)
So... I called United and after 2 hours of waiting and being transfered to the right department and trying to get the agent to understand my problem she told me there was nothing they could do short of sending us the next day! Until I said, "well, I am in a real jam then." And she said, "Try to call Air New Zealand since they made the mistake." And I said, "No, United changed their schedule." And she said, "Oh.... hold on." Then she got us tickets that leave at 11:59 PM May 11. Phew! Its better than leaving the next day.
This may be a little blessing in disquise... a little "Surprise Me God" moment (although I forgot to pray that this morning)... because we may be able to see Joy's brother and sister-in-law during that time. If not Joy has some other friends we could possibly see. Who knows!
Well, I am not feeling good today. I was in Walmart getting materials for a skit I am putting together for our youth ministry fundraiser and I felt like I was going to fall over or something. I was really dizzy. I have a rehearsal tonight so I am at home resting so that I can be as good as I can be tonight.
By the way, you should attend the fundraiser if you can on March 11 from 5:30 to 9:00. We have TONS of products up on a silent auction!! Its only $5. Check out Chapel Hill's website (link is on the right sidebar).
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