Generous Greed
It's like the lotto... give and God will make your barns and wine presses 'burst' with plenty (Prov 3:10). The strange internal battle around generosity wars between true generosity and greed. I don't believe in the prosperity gospel (!!) but God says if we give he will bless... (wait... what is the prosperity gospel again?)
See, it's tough. I am supposed to give for generosity's sake, but I have these patterns of thought that God is obligated to bless since I gave. I was obedient, so pay up! How easily we can slip into greedy generosity?
See, it's tough. I am supposed to give for generosity's sake, but I have these patterns of thought that God is obligated to bless since I gave. I was obedient, so pay up! How easily we can slip into greedy generosity?
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