Day 5

Well hello! We are settled in and school has begun. This weekend we spent time on the beach (just a block away), played volleyball, met up with old friends and met some new ones.

Today was our first day of school and it was basically introductory. We are going to be quite busy and everyday will be different. We will be sitting through lectures, doing service projects in the community, working on creative projects according to our giftings (I get to do some web stuff for steiger and No Longer Music), evangelistic events in Wellington and other ministry workshops.

I just got back from a Maori event. Since that Maori are the native people of New Zealand we went to meet them as a symbol of gaining their permission to be on their island. They put on a show for us and fed us. It was very cultural experience. People here tell me I need to see the movie Whale Rider to understand the Maori Culture.

Tomorrow we have school in the morning and David will give us our first lecture. There are people from all over the world here; Poland, Brazil, Finland, US, New Zealand and Germany.
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