Day 32 - Cheap as Chips!
Time is flying! This morning we had Bruce Bell from the Rock Church in Wellington speak to us about 'Worldviews and Evangelism'. It was very well presented and very good teaching.
He answered questions like...
What builds a worldview?
Experience, Observations of others experience and Choices
How to evaluate a worldview so you can effectively evangelize...
Find out what the real issues are in the worldview
Think through the logical implications of the worldview
He answered those two questions for these popular worldviews...
Deism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Eastern Pantheism, New Age Mysticism and Postmodernism (deconstructionism)
Bruce knew his stuff and provided a quick yet thorough presentation of each worldview.
After that we all met to discuss our upcoming outreach event. We are going to have a 24 person parade - complete with dancers, flag wavers, a marching band, and jugglers - walk through the streets of Wellington in order to lead people to our stage. There we are going to present the story/drama of the kidnapped maiden with a gypsy/pirate theme and LIVE gypsy/pirate music. This story will then lead into a presentation of the gospel message. I am looking forward to it!
Then Rob and I did some more web work! When we are finished I will give you the link so you can see the work we've done and critique it for us.
Finally Joy and I went on a little date together and had 'fish and chips' down by the ocean. It was fun! Fish and chips are good!! And cheap! Like $3.50 US for a meal for 2. 'Cheap as chips!' is a common phrase here.
And tonight I just got back from our final Theophostic session where we actually got to do it! Very interesting!
Here is a test:
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He answered questions like...
What builds a worldview?
Experience, Observations of others experience and Choices
How to evaluate a worldview so you can effectively evangelize...
Find out what the real issues are in the worldview
Think through the logical implications of the worldview
He answered those two questions for these popular worldviews...
Deism, Naturalism, Existentialism, Eastern Pantheism, New Age Mysticism and Postmodernism (deconstructionism)
Bruce knew his stuff and provided a quick yet thorough presentation of each worldview.
“Each generation of the church in each setting has the responsibility of communicating the gospel in understandable terms, considering the language and thought-forms of that setting.” Francis Schaeffer
"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefields besides, is more flight and disgrace if it flinches at that point." Martin Luther

Then Rob and I did some more web work! When we are finished I will give you the link so you can see the work we've done and critique it for us.

And tonight I just got back from our final Theophostic session where we actually got to do it! Very interesting!
Here is a test:
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Clearly that was a test ...of patience! I clicked "play" and the picture disappeared, but nothing more happened. Now I'm curious!
You go, Peter and Joy! Learn tons about our GREAT BIG GOD! I'm praying that you would desire Him and experience His presence so deeply...I'm so envious!
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