Saturday, March 18, 2006

Day 22 - We got the RV

Today we were to travel into Wellington but those plans also got cancelled. The evangelism team was working with a local church on an outreach idea and something fell through. So, Joy and I took it as a free day (which was needed after a busy week) and planned for the break we have coming up April 7 - 17. We confirmed that we will be traveling to the South Island and see the Southern Alps and Milford Sound and Christchurch from the convience of an RV! We will be traveling with my cousin Aaron and his girlfriend Jen and Dave (from Bethel) and a girl that is going to come meet up with us in Christchurch from LA.

We have someone who is sending us a camera so we can get some good pictures! Sisters are great! Brother-in-laws too!

Joy updated her blog!! (I've been encouraging her to update more often. Maybe if you leave her some comments so she will be EVEN MORE encouraged!! It will be our little secret, k? We do read all your comments.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Sounds like alot of fun in NZ! I am so thankful that you are being graced by The Most Gracious One!
Some news from the home front: Christy is in Mexico right now with Ben. May you pray for them. Dante Culpepper got traded to Miami for a 2nd round pick. My contract is up at USBank on 3/31 and I have received 2 offers from other companies and I am seeking which one to take. Praise our Saviour, instead of this being a fearful time it is a choosing time. Another company is also looking to join the bidding. Weird, huh? We have about a ft. (or .3 meters to you) of snow now. Dan is working at SuperValu warehouse. So have fun in the RV! And be grateful, opportunities like you are having don't come to many.

Love to U 2,

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Peter,
(Yes, I'm chuckling)
I was touched by the comments from your Dad. so honest, so personal and his relationship to Christ comes shining through!
Do you know what a gift that is to have a godly father? Never take that for granted. Love Caroline

PS Starting to get psyched about the mission trip in July!!

3:50 PM  

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